Here at The Stage we're having a busy month this December! So if you’re feeling a lack of the performing arts, just come to one of our many events.

For the musically inclined, we’re starting off with auditions (technically beginning in November) for our upcoming mini production - Miscast! A Musical Review. Miscast! will be comprised of musical theater songs, that the performers would never ever be cast for - like a man singing a woman’s song, someone young in a grandparents role, etc. So if you have a song you’ve always wished you could perform, come to one of the two audition dates - 28.11.2014 and 1.12.2014. Check out the Facebook event for audition tips, and don’t forget to sign up.

If you want to learn new skills, or just refresh what you already know, come to our first semester workshops - Acting 101&¾ with Udi Razzin on Sundays and Sounds Possible with Briony Howden on Wednesdays. Acting 101&¾ will allow you to discover acting in a safe environment, using both monologues and scenes. Sounds Possible teaches you how to use your voice and conquer stage fright at the same time. They’re both 8 week long sessions, starting the first week in December, at Bikurey Ha’Itim center (Heftman St. 6, Tel-Aviv). There will also be an additional meeting for a final performance in February, details TBA. Everyone is welcome - no experience necessary. For more details click here, and sign up here!
After a very enjoyable Broadway and Disney sing-along on November 7th, we’re continuing our First Friday at The Dancing Camel events. This month it will be a pub quiz, organized by Moran Broza, Ossie Kishlanski, Ruth Sundell and Steven Winston. Entrance is free, so join us and bring your friends to The Dancing Camel (Ha’Taasia St. 12, Tel-Aviv) on December 5th. And don’t forget to have one of the handcrafted beers!

We’re wrapping the month up the way we started it - with Miscast! After a month filled with rehearsals for the cast, the rest of us will be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Performances will be December 22nd and 23rd at Yad La’Banim (Pinkas St. 63, Tel-Aviv). Ticket details will be announced.
Also, keep a look out for details on our upcoming Birthday Party. The Stage is one years old, and we’re all so excited to celebrate!
So this month we’re doing it all - singing, acting, performing, partying and more! Join us, and we’ll all have an amazing, fun filled month :)
By Ma'ayan Dekel